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Caribbean Eye 'Community Celebrations' (Christopher Laird, Bruce Paddington and Tony Hall, T&T) 60 m Buy Bundle (1 video) Caribbean Eye 'Community Celebrations' (Christopher Laird, Bruce Paddington and Tony Hall, T&T) 60 m
The Caribbean is a meeting place of all the world's cultures. Festivals create and sustain a sense of community. This programme looks at some of the folk festivals of the region (other than carnivals):_ the Hindu festival of Phagwa in Trinidad & Guyana; the La Rose & La Marguerite flowers festivals in St. Lucia; the Johnkunnu of Jamaica, Belize and Bahamas; Masquerade in Guyana and St. Kitts and the Shi'ite festival of Hosein in Trinidad & Jamaica.
Total (including taxes)
USD $5.00
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