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Notting Hill: 21st Century Carnival  (Matthew Bartlett & James Kermack, UK, 2013); 46m Buy Bundle (1 video) Notting Hill: 21st Century Carnival (Matthew Bartlett & James Kermack, UK, 2013); 46m
The film explores the heritage of the Notting Hill Carnival, following Cyprian De Coteau, a Trinidadian living in London Commissioned by The Print Room as a companion film to Karen Martinez’s short After Mas, the film follows Cyprian De Coteau, a Trinidadian living in London, as he returns to the Notting Hill Carnival after ten years absence. He solicits differing opinions from a broad cross-section of Trinidadians: author Earl Lovelace; musician and poet, Anthony Joseph; activist and writer; Attillah Springer; Notting Hill councilors; theatre director Felix Cross; Tabernacle Director (at the time) Christopher Scholey, and costume designers Flamboyant, to name but a few. Maria Nunes supplies some truly great photographs of the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival.
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